Spain -- Colonies -- Management : El siglo XVIII español en América : el gobierno político del Nuevo Reino de Granada : aporte documental / José María Ots Capdequí
Spain -- Colonies -- Oceania : Navigating the Spanish Lake : the Pacific in the Iberian world, 1521-1898 / Rainer F. Buschmann, Edward R. Slack Jr., James B. Tueller
Spain -- Colonies -- Oceania -- History : Exploring Iberian counterpoints in the eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Pacific / Rainer F. Buschmann and David Manzano Cosano
Spain -- Colonies -- Philippines. : The Philippine Islands : a political, geographical, ethnographical, social and commercial history of the Philippine Archipelago and its political dependencies, embracing the whole period of Spanish rule / by John Foreman, F.R.G.S
Spain -- Colonies -- South America : Monarquía indiana de Carlos II en la encrujiada : la reconfiguración del poder virreinal en el Perú (1674-1689) / Juan Jiménez Castillo
Spain -- Colonization -- History : From Al-Andalus to the Americas (13th-17th centuries) : destruction and construction of societies / edited by Thomas F. Glick, Antonio Malpica, Félix Retamero, Josep Torró
Spain. Comisión Científica del Pacífico. / : For science and national glory : the Spanish scientific expedition to America, 1862-1866
Spain -- Commerce -- Econometric models : International competitiveness of the Mediterranean quartet : a heterogeneous-product approach / Herman Z. Bennett and Ziga Zarnic ; authorized for distribution by James Daniel
Spain -- Commerce -- History : Imperial ambition in the early modern Mediterranean : Genoese merchants and the Spanish Crown / Céline Dauverd (University of Colorado, Boulder)
Spain -- Commerce -- History -- 16th century : Justice in the marketplace in early modern Spain : Saravia, Villalón and the religious origins of economic analysis / Michael Thomas D'Emic