Sovereign Hill (Vic.) : Sovereign Hill, Ballarat, the diggins and the quartz mine : a description of mining processes and equipment / Illustrations by E. Moritz
Here are entered works on the liability of the state for wrongful acts of officials. Works on criminal offenses committed by government officials in the performance of their duties are entered under Misconduct in office. Works on offenses against professional ethics or against discipline are entered under names of countries, cities, government departments, etc. with subdivision Officials and employees--Discipline. Works on specific offenses are entered under the name of the offense, e.g. Bribery. Works on the personal liability of government officials to the state or to individuals for wrongful acts committed in office are entered under Administrative responsibility
Sovereignty -- Early works to 1800 : Essays upon several subjects concerning British antiquities : Viz. I. Introduction of the Feudal Law into Scotland. II. Constitution of Parliament. III. Honour. Dignity. IV. Succession or Descent. With an appendix upon hereditary and indefeasible right. Composed anno M. DCC. XLV
Here are entered works on the right of peoples to define their own food, including agriculture, livestock and fisheries systems, rather than being subject to international market forces in the choice and availability of food