Here are entered works on the part of South America that includes Chile, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, and southeastern Brazil
Southern Conference Educational Fund : SNCC 50th Anniversary Conference. Volume 24, Highlander, SSOC and organizing in the white community : "We knew that we were not free" / producer, Natalie Bullock Brown/Ascension Productions
Southern cop Brown, Sterling A, 1901-1989 : Poetry for students. Volume 55 : presenting analysis, context, and criticism on commonly studied poetry / Kristin B. Mallegg, project editor ; foreword by David J. Kelly
Southern Cross Antarctic Expedition : Report on the collections of natural history made in the Antarctic regions during the voyage of the Southern Cross
Southern cross (Newspaper) : "For God, King and country" : a study of the attitudes of the Methodist and Catholic press in South Australia to the Great War 1914-1918 / by Arnold D. Hunt and Robert P. Thomas
Southern Cross; South Australian Catholic weekly : "For God, King and country" : a study of the attitudes of the Methodist and Catholic press in South Australia to the Great War 1914-1918 / by Arnold D. Hunt and Robert P. Thomas
Here are entered works on the region that comprises the middle southern counties from South East England and the West Country, usually excluding Kent and Cornwall
Southern Europe Civil rights & citizenship : Social movements and sexual citizenship in Southern Europe / Ana Cristina Santos, Birkbeck Institute for Social Research, University of London, UK
Southern Europe Gay & Lesbian studies : Social movements and sexual citizenship in Southern Europe / Ana Cristina Santos, Birkbeck Institute for Social Research, University of London, UK
Southern Europe Political activism : Social movements and sexual citizenship in Southern Europe / Ana Cristina Santos, Birkbeck Institute for Social Research, University of London, UK
Southern Express Company -- Trials, litigation, etc., / appellant : The Southern Express Company, appellant, vs. the Western North Carolina Railroad Company, W.W. Rollins, et al., commissioners in possession of the road : appeal from the Circuit Court of the United States for the Western District of North Carolina : filed september 20, 1876
Southern Expressway (S. Aust.) : Southern Expressway stage 1, Bedfork Park to Reynella section : landscape master plan report / for Maunsell Pty Ltd. acting for the SA Department of Transport by BSD Urban Design & Edaw (Aust) Pty Ltd in association