Sold McCormick, Patricia, 1956- : Literary newsmakers for students. Volume 3 : presenting analysis, context, and criticism on newsmaking novels, nonfiction, and poetry / [project editor, Anne Marie Hacht]
Soldados -- Educación : Formación y adiestramiento sensible al género del personal cívico-militar y el empoderamiento de la mujer : reflexiones en torno a las operaciones de paz en el marco de la política exterior y de seguridad común de la Unión Europea / Susana de Tomás Morales (directora) ; Cristina Amich Elías (coordinadora) ; Gracia Abad Quintanal [and others]
Soldat Kind : Navigating terrains of war;youth and soldiering in guinea-bissau
Soldat Kriegserfahrung Geschichte 20 Jh : War land on the Eastern Front : culture, national identity and German occupation in World War I / Vejas Gabriel Liulevicius
Soldat Weltkrieg I Deutschland : War land on the Eastern Front : culture, national identity and German occupation in World War I / Vejas Gabriel Liulevicius
Soldats -- États-Unis -- Biographies. : Custer's last campaign : Mitch Boyer and the Little Bighorn reconstructed / John S. Gray ; foreword by Robert M. Utley
Solder and soldering -- Fatigue : The ELFNET book on failure mechanisms, testing methods, and quality issues of lead-free solder interconnects / Günter Grossmann, Christian Zardini, editors
Solder and soldering -- Technological innovations : Recent progress in lead-free solder technology : materials development, processing and performances / Mohd Arif Anuar Mohd Salleh, Mohd Sharizal Abdul Aziz, Azman Jalar, Mohd Izrul Izwan Ramli, editors
Solder and soldering -- Testing : Lead-free electronic solders : a special issue of Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics / edited by K.N. Subramanian