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Description Provides access to chapters from hundreds of books and referenced works published by IGI Global, a international publisher in information science and technology.
Subject area Information Systems and Business Analytics
  Information Technology
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Other name IGI Global Research Collection
  Info Sci Books


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Click for full text Access catalogue record Dates for online coverage
InfoSci-Books Adapting information and communication technologies for effective education / Lawrence Tomei [editor]
InfoSci-Books Adolescent online social communication and behavior : relationship formation on the Internet / [edited by] Robert Zheng, Jason Burrow-Sanchez, Clifford Drew
InfoSci-Books Adult learning in the digital age : perspectives on online technologies and outcomes / [edited by] Terry T. Kidd, Jared Keengwe
InfoSci-Books Advanced pattern recognition technologies with applications to biometrics / David Zhang ... [and others]
InfoSci-Books Advanced topics in database research. Volume 3 / Keng Siau [editor]
InfoSci-Books Automated face analysis : emerging technologies and research / Daijin Kim, Jaewon Sung
InfoSci-Books Business information systems : concepts, methodologies, tools, and applications / Information Resources Management Association
InfoSci-Books Challenges of information technology management in the 21st century / [edited by] Mehdi Khosrow-Pour
InfoSci-Books Clinical technologies : concepts, methodologies, tools and applications / Information Resources Management Association, editor
InfoSci-Books Computer engineering : concepts, methodologies, tools and applications / Information Resources Management Association, editor
InfoSci-Books Cyber crime : concepts, methodologies, tools and applications / Information Resources Management Association, editor
InfoSci-Books Data warehousing and mining : concepts, methodologies, tools, and applications / [edited by] John Wang
InfoSci-Books Database technologies : concepts, methodologies, tools, and applications / [edited by] John Erickson
InfoSci-Books Designing complex web information systems : integrating evolutionary process engineering / Roberto Paiano, Anna Lisa Guido, Andrea Pandurino
InfoSci-Books Digital democracy : concepts, methodologies, tools, and applications / Information Resources Management Association, editor
InfoSci-Books E-collaboration : concepts, methodologies, tools, and applications / Ned Kock
InfoSci-Books E-government interoperability and information resource integration : frameworks for aligned development / Petter Gottschalk, Hans Solli-Saether
InfoSci-Books E-learning technologies and evidence-based assessment approaches / [edited by] Christine Spratt, Paul Lajbcygier
InfoSci-Books E-marketing : concepts, methodologies, tools, and applications / Information Resources Management Association, editor
InfoSci-Books Effective web presence solutions for small businesses : strategies for successful implementation / Stephen Burgess, Carmine Sellitto, Stan Karanasios