Social surveys Children of immigrants Australia : First report on the progress and assimilation of migrant children in Australia / by a Special Committee of the Commonwealth Immigration Advisory Council
Social surveys -- Chile -- Case studies : CASEN survey : statistical and methodological misleads in key public policy in Chile / Flavio Galasso and Pablo Farias
Social surveys -- China -- Beijing : Peking : a social survey / conducted under the auspices of the Princeton University Center in China and the Peking Young Men's Christian Association ; by Sidney D. Gamble, assiated by John Stewart Burgess ; foreword by G. Sherwood Eddy and Robert A. Woods
Social surveys -- China -- History -- 21st century : The Chinese public's view of the world / editor-in-chief: Li Shenming ; associate editor: Jiang Lifeng ; translator: Zhou Yong ; polisher: Lu Caixia
Social surveys -- Cross-cultural studies : Human values and beliefs : a cross-cultural sourcebook : political, religious, sexual, and economic norms in 43 societies ; findings from the 1990-1993 world value survey / Ronald Inglehart, Miguel Basañez, and Alejandro Moreno
Social surveys -- Evaluation -- Case studies. : Researching lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender hate crime using semi-structured interviews : a case study of combining overt interview data with data obtained covertly / James Pickles, Chloe Ward, Nathan Emmerich
Social surveys -- France : La France des valeurs : quarante ans d'évolutions / Pierre Bréchon, Frédéric Gonthier, Sandrine Astor (dir.)
Social surveys -- Gethodology : Thinking about answers : the application of cognitive processes to survey methodology / Seymour Sudman, Norman M. Bradburn, Norbert Schwarz
Social surveys -- Illinois : At the core and in the margins : incorporation of Mexican immigrants in two rural Midwestern communities / Julia Albarracín
Social surveys -- Indonesia : Indonesian living standards before and after the financial crisis : evidence from the Indonesia Family Life Survey / John Strauss [and others]
Social surveys -- Japan : Divided fates : the state, race, and Korean immigrants' adaptation in Japan and the United States / Kazuko Suzuki
Social surveys -- Japan -- Case studies. : Interviewer effect and context when conducting qualitative interviews with older persons in contemporary Japan / Katherine Sammons, Joyce Weil, Nancy J. Karlin, Akiko Watabe
Social surveys -- Methodology -- Case studies. : The strengths and challenges of using online surveys : exploring the role of community colleges in health professions education / Katherine J. Johnson