Social problems -- Gulf Coast (U.S.) : Resilience and opportunity : lessons from the U.S. Gulf Coast after Katrina and Rita / Amy Liu [and others], editors
Social problems -- India -- Bengal. : The peasantry of Bengal being a view of their condition under the Hindu, the Mahomedan, and the English rule : and as a consideration of the means calculated to improve their future prospects. By Romesh Chunder Dutt
Social problems -- Instruction and study : Social justice instruction : empowerment on the chalkboard / Rosemary Papa, Danielle M. Eadens, Daniel W. Eadens, editors
Social problems -- Ireland. : The Irish peasant a sociological study edited from original papers / By a guardian of the poor
Social problems -- Latin America -- Congresses : Cuidados y políticas públicas en América Latina : asuntos del VI Seminario Internacional de Familia / Johanna Alexandra Patiño López (compiladora) ; Mariana Padilla León [and ten others]
Social problems -- Latin America -- Literary collections : Writing grandmothers : Africa vs. Latin America. Volume 2 = Escribiendo sobre nuestras raíces : África contra América Latina. Volumen 2 / edited by Tendai Rinos Mwanaka, Ricardo Felix Rodriguez
Social problems -- Mentally ill : A new view of insanity : in which is set forth the present mismanagement of public and private madhouses, all the late and existing defects of New Bethlem: with some suggestions towards a new remedy for that almost-universal disorder of the human race. By Richard Carlile