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Book Cover
Author Shean, Nava

Title To Be an Actress
Published Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield Pub. Group, 2010


Description 1 online resource (183 pages)
Contents The Historical Context of To Be an Actress; Nava's Two Names; Acknowledgments; Chapter 01. Youth; Chapter 02. Terezin; Chapter 03. Back in Prague; Chapter 04. New Life; Chapter 05. Hubert; Notes
Summary In To Be an Actress, Nava Shean tells about her life on the stage: from children's theater in Prague to traveling theater in the Czech countryside, to performances of prisoners in Terezin concentration camp, to Israel's national theater, Munich State theater, and her one-woman shows. The common theme that runs through the memoir is Ms. Shean's passion for the theater and her dedication to acting despite excruciating circumstances. The memoir provides first-hand account of life in Terezin concentration camp and the incredible artistic activity under the shadow of the transports to the death ca
Notes Print version record
Subject Shan, Nava
Shan, Nava
Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945)
Form Electronic book
ISBN 9780761855637