Sermons, Medieval -- England -- Kent. : An Old English miscellany : containing a bestiary, Kentish sermons, proverbs of Alfred, religious poems of the thirteenth century, from manuscripts in the British Museum, Bodleian Library, Jesus College library, etc. / edited with introduction and index of words by Richard Morris
Sermons Missions : Occasional discourses : including several never before published / by Francis Wayland
Sermons Missions India : National Christianity for India, or national acts and national duties viewed in connection with the Sepoy Mutinies : a fast-day sermon preached in St Paul's Church, Shipley, on Wednesday afternoon, Oct. 7, 1857 / by J. Leech Porter
Sermons Mysticism : Breakthrough, Meister Eckhart's creation spirituality, in new translation / introd. and commentaries by Matthew Fox
Sermons New, Isaac : The outpouring of the Holy Spirit the great want of the church : a sequel to the week of prayer : a sermon preached in the Baptist Church, Aberdeen Street, Geelong, January 21, 1872 / by the Rev. Isaac New
Sermons Ninth of Av : Verhärtet eure Herzen nicht : der Hebräer, eine Synagogenhomilie zu Tischa be-Aw / von Gabriella Gelardini
Sermons Obedience (Law) United States : The obligation of man to obey the civil law : its ground, and its extent : a discourse delivered December 12, 1850, on occasion of the public thanksgiving : in the Church of the Pilgrims, Brooklyn, N.Y. / by Richard S. Storrs, Jr
Sermons Peace : Reasons for thankfulness : a sermon, in aid of the Nightingale School, preached on the day of thanksgiving for the restoration of peace, August 10th, 1856 / by C.P.M. Bardin, incumbant of the united parishes of Brunswick, Phillipstown and Flemington
Sermons Pell, George, 1941- : Be not afraid : collected writing / Cardinal George Pell, edited by Tess Livingstone
Sermons Pentecostals : Kerygmatic Spirit : Apostolic Preaching in the 21st Century. / Yong Amos
Sermons Philosophers Germany : Predigten, 1809-1815 / Friedrich Daniel Ernst Schleiermacher ; herausgegeben von Patrick Weiland ; unter Mitwirkung von Simon Paschen