Sermons, American -- 17th century : Saints, sinners, and the God of the world : the Hartford sermon notebook transcribed, 1679-1680 / by Andrew Phillips Mallory
Sermons, American -- 21st century -- Congresses : Pentecost on Mockingbird Lane : sermons from the 2015 National Festival of Young Preachers / edited by Tamara K. Gieselman & Mitchell C. Gieselman
Sermons, American -- Early works to 1800 : Sermons / by Samuel Stanhope Smith, D.D., president of the College of New Jersey ; corrected and revised by the author
Sermons, American -- Illinois -- Rockford : The hand of God, as seen in the present great rebellion : the hope of our country and a reason for thanksgiving : our duty in the present crisis : two discourses / by F. Senour
Sermons, American -- New Hampshire -- Concord : A temperance address delivered before the Concord Temperance Society in the First Baptist Church, Fast Day, April 8, 1858 / by Charles W. Flanders
Sermons, American -- New York (State) -- Albany -- 19th century : A sermon addressed to the Second Presbyterian congregation in Albany, March 4, 1838, the Sabbath after intelligence was received that the Hon. Jonathan Cilley, member of Congress from Maine, had been shot in a duel with the Hon. William J. Graves, member from Kentucky / by William B. Sprague, D.D., minister of said congregation ; published by request of many who heard it
Sermons, American -- New York (State) -- New York : The obligation of man to obey the civil law : its ground, and its extent : a discourse delivered December 12, 1850, on occasion of the public thanksgiving : in the Church of the Pilgrims, Brooklyn, N.Y. / by Richard S. Storrs, Jr
Sermons, American -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia : The lament of the church at the sepulchre of the righteous : a sermon on the death of Frederick A. Raybold, Esq., delivered in the Third Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, May 11th, 1851 / by Thomas Brainerd
Sermons Ark of the Covenant : The Ethiopian homily on the Ark of the Covenant : critical edition and annotated translation of Dersanä Ṣeyon / by Amsalu Tefera
Sermons, Armenian : Hachakhapatum. English (Terian)
Sermons Beatitudes History and criticism : Neuplatonisches Gedankengut in den "Homilien über die Seligpreisungen" Gregors von Nyssa / von Salvatore R.C. Lilla ; herausgegeben von Hubertus R. Drobner
Sermons Bible Acts, V, 29 : The obligation of man to obey the civil law : its ground, and its extent : a discourse delivered December 12, 1850, on occasion of the public thanksgiving : in the Church of the Pilgrims, Brooklyn, N.Y. / by Richard S. Storrs, Jr
Sermons Bible Acts, VIII, 2 : The lament of the church at the sepulchre of the righteous : a sermon on the death of Frederick A. Raybold, Esq., delivered in the Third Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, May 11th, 1851 / by Thomas Brainerd
Sermons Bible Colossians : Homilies on Colossians / John Chrysostom ; introduced, translated, and annotated by Pauline Allen