Senile dementia -- Etiology -- Congresses. : Etiology of dementia of Alzheimer's type : report of the Dahlem Workshop on Etiology of Dementia of Alzheimer's Type, Berlin 1987, December 6-11 / A.S. Henderson and J.H. Henderson, editors ; rapporteurs, D.M. Bowen ... [and others] ; program advisory committee, A.S. Henderson ... [and others]
Senile dementia -- Patients -- Home care. : The 36-hour day : a family guide to caring for persons with Alzheimer's disease, related dementing illnesses, and memory loss in later life / Nancy L. Mace, M.A., Peter V. Rabins, M.D., M.P.H
Reduction of bone mass without alteration in the composition of bone, leading to fractures. Primary osteoporosis can be of two major types: postmenopausal osteoporosis (OSTEOPOROSIS, POSTMENOPAUSAL) and age-related or senile osteoporosis
Reduction of bone mass without alteration in the composition of bone, leading to fractures. Primary osteoporosis can be of two major types: postmenopausal osteoporosis (OSTEOPOROSIS, POSTMENOPAUSAL) and age-related or senile osteoporosis
An acquired organic mental disorder with loss of intellectual abilities of sufficient severity to interfere with social or occupational functioning. The dysfunction is multifaceted and involves memory, behavior, personality, judgment, attention, spatial relations, language, abstract thought, and other executive functions. The intellectual decline is usually progressive, and initially spares the level of consciousness
An acquired organic mental disorder with loss of intellectual abilities of sufficient severity to interfere with social or occupational functioning. The dysfunction is multifaceted and involves memory, behavior, personality, judgment, attention, spatial relations, language, abstract thought, and other executive functions. The intellectual decline is usually progressive, and initially spares the level of consciousness
Cyclical movement of a body part that can represent either a physiologic process or a manifestation of disease. Intention or action tremor, a common manifestation of CEREBELLAR DISEASES, is aggravated by movement. In contrast, resting tremor is maximal when there is no attempt at voluntary movement, and occurs as a relatively frequent manifestation of PARKINSON DISEASE
Cyclical movement of a body part that can represent either a physiologic process or a manifestation of disease. Intention or action tremor, a common manifestation of CEREBELLAR DISEASES, is aggravated by movement. In contrast, resting tremor is maximal when there is no attempt at voluntary movement, and occurs as a relatively frequent manifestation of PARKINSON DISEASE
Senior Apperception Technique. : The Thematic Apperception Test, the Children's Apperception Test, and the Senior Apperception Technique in clinical use / Leopold Bellak
Senior, Boris. : New heavens : my life as a fighter pilot and a founder of the Israel Air Force / Boris Senior ; foreword by Peter B. Mersky ; foreword to the first edition by Ezer Weizman
Senior centers -- Netherlands. : Hands off not an option! : the reminiscence museum mirror of a humanistic care philosophy / Prof. Dr. Hans Marcel Becker ; assisted by Inez van den Dobbelsteen-Becker and Topsy Ros
Senior centers -- New York (State) : The new neighborhood senior center : redefining social and service roles for the baby boom generation / Joyce Weil