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Scleroderma (Disease) -- Popular works : The scleroderma book : a guide for patients and families / Maureen D. Mayes  2005 1
Scleroderma (Disease) -- Treatment : A visual guide to scleroderma and approach to treatment / Maureen D. Mayes, editor  2014 1

Scleroderma, Linear -- See Scleroderma, Localized

A term used to describe a variety of localized asymmetrical SKIN thickening that is similar to those of SYSTEMIC SCLERODERMA but without the disease features in the multiple internal organs and BLOOD VESSELS. Lesions may be characterized as patches or plaques (morphea), bands (linear), or nodules
Scleroderma, Localized   3

Scleroderma, Systemic -- See Systemic scleroderma

Scleroderma, Systemic   7
Scleroderma, Systemic -- diagnosis : Case studies in systemic sclerosis / Richard M. Silver, Christopher P. Denton, editors  2011 1
Scleroderma, Systemic -- etiology : Scleroderma : from pathogenesis to comprehensive management / John Varga, Christopher P. Denton, Fredrick M. Wigley, editors  2012 1
Scleroderma, Systemic -- therapy   2

Sclerodermas, Localized -- See Scleroderma, Localized

A term used to describe a variety of localized asymmetrical SKIN thickening that is similar to those of SYSTEMIC SCLERODERMA but without the disease features in the multiple internal organs and BLOOD VESSELS. Lesions may be characterized as patches or plaques (morphea), bands (linear), or nodules
Scleropages formosus. : Witness: Swimming with Dragons / / Director: Tah, Chew Han  2014 1
Scleroproteins : Fibrous proteins / [edited by] Thomas Scheibel  2008 1
Scleroproteins -- chemistry : Fibrous proteins : structures and mechanisms / David A.D. Parry, John M. Squire, editors  2017 1
Scleroproteins -- metabolism : Fibrous proteins : structures and mechanisms / David A.D. Parry, John M. Squire, editors  2017 1
Sclérose en plaques. : Multiple sclerosis : etiology, diagnosis, and new treatment strategies / edited by Michael J. Olek ; foreword by Howard L. Weiner  2005 1

Scleroses, Hereditary Spinal -- See Friedreich Ataxia

An autosomal recessive disease, usually of childhood onset, characterized pathologically by degeneration of the spinocerebellar tracts, posterior columns, and to a lesser extent the corticospinal tracts. Clinical manifestations include GAIT ATAXIA, pes cavus, speech impairment, lateral curvature of spine, rhythmic head tremor, kyphoscoliosis, congestive heart failure (secondary to a cardiomyopathy), and lower extremity weakness. Most forms of this condition are associated with a mutation in a gene on chromosome 9, at band q13, which codes for the mitochondrial protein frataxin. (From Adams et al., Principles of Neurology, 6th ed, p1081; N Engl J Med 1996 Oct 17;335(16):1169-75) The severity of Friedreich ataxia associated with expansion of GAA repeats in the first intron of the frataxin gene correlates with the number of trinucleotide repeats. (From Durr et al, N Engl J Med 1996 Oct 17;335(16):1169-75)

Scleroses, Lateral -- See Motor Neuron Disease

Diseases characterized by a selective degeneration of the motor neurons of the spinal cord, brainstem, or motor cortex. Clinical subtypes are distinguished by the major site of degeneration. In AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS there is involvement of upper, lower, and brainstem motor neurons. In progressive muscular atrophy and related syndromes (see MUSCULAR ATROPHY, SPINAL) the motor neurons in the spinal cord are primarily affected. With progressive bulbar palsy (BULBAR PALSY, PROGRESSIVE), the initial degeneration occurs in the brainstem. In primary lateral sclerosis, the cortical neurons are affected in isolation. (Adams et al., Principles of Neurology, 6th ed, p1089)

Scleroses, Primary Lateral -- See Motor Neuron Disease

Diseases characterized by a selective degeneration of the motor neurons of the spinal cord, brainstem, or motor cortex. Clinical subtypes are distinguished by the major site of degeneration. In AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS there is involvement of upper, lower, and brainstem motor neurons. In progressive muscular atrophy and related syndromes (see MUSCULAR ATROPHY, SPINAL) the motor neurons in the spinal cord are primarily affected. With progressive bulbar palsy (BULBAR PALSY, PROGRESSIVE), the initial degeneration occurs in the brainstem. In primary lateral sclerosis, the cortical neurons are affected in isolation. (Adams et al., Principles of Neurology, 6th ed, p1089)

Sclerosing injections -- See Sclerotherapy


Sclerosis, Alzheimer -- See Alzheimer Disease

A degenerative disease of the BRAIN characterized by the insidious onset of DEMENTIA. Impairment of MEMORY, judgment, attention span, and problem solving skills are followed by severe APRAXIAS and a global loss of cognitive abilities. The condition primarily occurs after age 60, and is marked pathologically by severe cortical atrophy and the triad of SENILE PLAQUES; NEUROFIBRILLARY TANGLES; and NEUROPIL THREADS. (From Adams et al., Principles of Neurology, 6th ed, pp1049-57)
  Sclerosis, Amyotrophic lateral -- 2 Related Subjects   2

Sclerosis, Arterial -- See Arteriosclerosis


Sclerosis, Cerebral -- See Tuberous sclerosis


Sclerosis, Disseminated -- See Multiple Sclerosis

An autoimmune disorder mainly affecting young adults and characterized by destruction of myelin in the central nervous system. Pathologic findings include multiple sharply demarcated areas of demyelination throughout the white matter of the central nervous system. Clinical manifestations include visual loss, extra-ocular movement disorders, paresthesias, loss of sensation, weakness, dysarthria, spasticity, ataxia, and bladder dysfunction. The usual pattern is one of recurrent attacks followed by partial recovery (see MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS, RELAPSING-REMITTING), but acute fulminating and chronic progressive forms (see MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS, CHRONIC PROGRESSIVE) also occur. (Adams et al., Principles of Neurology, 6th ed, p903)
  Sclerosis, Hereditary Spinal -- 2 Related Subjects   2

Sclerosis, Lateral -- See Motor Neuron Disease

Diseases characterized by a selective degeneration of the motor neurons of the spinal cord, brainstem, or motor cortex. Clinical subtypes are distinguished by the major site of degeneration. In AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS there is involvement of upper, lower, and brainstem motor neurons. In progressive muscular atrophy and related syndromes (see MUSCULAR ATROPHY, SPINAL) the motor neurons in the spinal cord are primarily affected. With progressive bulbar palsy (BULBAR PALSY, PROGRESSIVE), the initial degeneration occurs in the brainstem. In primary lateral sclerosis, the cortical neurons are affected in isolation. (Adams et al., Principles of Neurology, 6th ed, p1089)
  Sclerosis, Multiple -- 2 Related Subjects   2

Sclerosis, Primary Lateral -- See Motor Neuron Disease

Diseases characterized by a selective degeneration of the motor neurons of the spinal cord, brainstem, or motor cortex. Clinical subtypes are distinguished by the major site of degeneration. In AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS there is involvement of upper, lower, and brainstem motor neurons. In progressive muscular atrophy and related syndromes (see MUSCULAR ATROPHY, SPINAL) the motor neurons in the spinal cord are primarily affected. With progressive bulbar palsy (BULBAR PALSY, PROGRESSIVE), the initial degeneration occurs in the brainstem. In primary lateral sclerosis, the cortical neurons are affected in isolation. (Adams et al., Principles of Neurology, 6th ed, p1089)

Sclerosis, Progressive systemic -- See Systemic scleroderma


Sclerosis, Systemic -- See Scleroderma, Systemic

A chronic multi-system disorder of CONNECTIVE TISSUE. It is characterized by SCLEROSIS in the SKIN, the LUNGS, the HEART, the GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT, the KIDNEYS, and the MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM. Other important features include diseased small BLOOD VESSELS and AUTOANTIBODIES. The disorder is named for its most prominent feature (hard skin), and classified into subsets by the extent of skin thickening: LIMITED SCLERODERMA and DIFFUSE SCLERODERMA

Sclerosis tuberosa -- See Tuberous sclerosis


Sclerosis, Tuberous -- See Tuberous sclerosis


Sclerostomies -- See Sclerostomy

Surgical formation of an external opening in the sclera, primarily in the treatment of glaucoma
Sclerostomy : 27-gauge vitrectomy : minimal sclerotomies for maximal results / Ulrich Spandau, Mitrofanis Pavlidis  2015 1
Sclerotherapy. : Sclerotherapy : treatment of varicose and telangiectatic leg veins / Mitchel P. Goldman, Jean-Jerome Guex, Robert A. Weiss  2016 1

Sclerotica -- See Sclera


Sclerotinia -- See Ascomycota

A phylum of fungi which have cross-walls or septa in the mycelium. The perfect state is characterized by the formation of a saclike cell (ascus) containing ascospores. Most pathogenic fungi with a known perfect state belong to this phylum
Sclerotinia. : Sclerotinia diseases of crop plants : biology, ecology and disease management / G. Saharan and Naresh Mehta  2008 1

Sclerotiniaceae -- See Also the narrower term Sclerotinia


Sclerotinias -- See Ascomycota

A phylum of fungi which have cross-walls or septa in the mycelium. The perfect state is characterized by the formation of a saclike cell (ascus) containing ascospores. Most pathogenic fungi with a known perfect state belong to this phylum
Sclerotium (Mycelium) : Sclerotia grains in soils : a new perspective from pedosclerotiology / Makiko Watanabe, editor  2021 1

SCM -- See Sydney Conservatorium of Music


SCMB (Santa Casa de Misericórdia da Bahia) -- See Santa Casa de Misericórdia da Bahia


SCMLA -- See South-Central Modern Language Association


SCN (Sisters of Charity of Nazareth) -- See Sisters of Charity of Nazareth (Nazareth, Ky.)


SCNA -- See South Carolina Nurses' Association


scnRNA -- See RNA, Small Interfering

Small double-stranded, non-protein coding RNAs (21-31 nucleotides) involved in GENE SILENCING functions, especially RNA INTERFERENCE (RNAi). Endogenously, siRNAs are generated from dsRNAs (RNA, DOUBLE-STRANDED) by the same ribonuclease, Dicer, that generates miRNAs (MICRORNAS). The perfect match of the siRNAs' antisense strand to their target RNAs mediates RNAi by siRNA-guided RNA cleavage. siRNAs fall into different classes including trans-acting siRNA (tasiRNA), repeat-associated RNA (rasiRNA), small-scan RNA (scnRNA), and Piwi protein-interacting RNA (piRNA) and have different specific gene silencing functions

scnRNA (Small scan RNA) -- See Small interfering RNA

  SCO -- 3 Related Subjects   3
Scobie, James, 1860-1940 : My life on the Australian turf / by James Scobie ; chronicled by Khedive  1929 1
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