Scientists -- Encyclopedias : The encyclopedia of mass spectrometry. Vol. 9, Historical perspectives. Part A, The development of mass spectrometry / volume editors, Keith A. Nier, Alfred L. Yergey, P. Jane Gale
Scientists -- Europe -- Historiography. : Nationalism and internationalism in science, 1880-1939 : four studies of the Nobel population / Elisabeth Crawford
Scientists -- Evaluation : Scientific peer reviewing : practical hints and best practices / Peter Spyns, María-Esther Vidal
Scientists -- Family relationships : Failing families, failing science : work-family conflict in academic science / Elaine Howard Ecklund and Anne E. Lincoln
Scientists -- France -- Correspondence : La correspondance entre Henri Poincare et les physiciens, chimistes et Ingenieurs / Scott Walter, Andre Coret, Etienne Bolmont (Red.)
Scientists -- Germany -- Congresses : Hermann Graßmann : from past to future : Graßmann's work in context : Graßmann Bicentennial Conference, September 2009 / Hans-Joachim Petsche [and others], editors
Scientists -- Germany -- Social life and customs : Internationale Nachwuchswissenschaftler in Deutschland : Motivation - Integration - Förderung : Ergebnisse einer bundesweiten Studie / Antje Wegner ; Gate Germany, Konsortium Internationales Hochschulmarketing
Scientists -- Great Britain -- Archives. : The Royal Society : some account of the 'letters and papers' of the period 1741-1806 in the archives with an index of authors / Comp. by A.H. Church
Scientists -- Great Britain -- Diaries. : The diary of Robert Hooke, 1672-1680 / transcribed from the original in the possession of the Corporation of the City of London (Guildhall Library). Edited by Henry W. Robinson and Walter Adams, with a foreword by Sir Frederick Gowland Hopkins
Scientists -- Great Britain -- Portraits. : Portraits of men of eminence in literature, science, and art, with biographical memoirs : the photographs from life / by Ernest Edwards, B.A. ; ed. by Lovell Reeve