Here are entered general works which include the requisite sciences for astronautical undertakings, for the scientific results of space exploration, and for the scientific applications of space flight. General works on the universe are entered under Astronomy. Special aspects are entered under particular subjects, e.g. Astronautics in meteorology; Cosmic physics; Outer space--Exploration; Space biology; Space medicine
Science and state -- Argentina : La política científica en disputa : diagnósticos y propuestas frente a su reorientación regresiva / Salvarezza [and eight others] ; Federico Brugaletta, Mora González Canosa, Marcelo Starcenbaum, editores ; Nicolás Welschinger
Science and state -- Bosnia and Herzegovina -- Congresses : Reconstructing science, engineering, and higher education in Bosnia-Hercegovina and Croatia : summary of a meeting, Washington DC, May 6-7, 1996 / Office for Central Europe and Eurasia, Office of International Affairs, National Research Council
Science and state -- California : Stem cell battles : Proposition 71 and beyond : how ordinary people can fight back against the crushing burden of chronic disease : with a posthumous foreword by Christopher Reeve / Don C. Reed, Americans for Cures Foundation, USA
Science and state -- Caribbean Area : New wealth : commercialization of science and technology for business and economic development / George Kozmetsky, Frederick Williams, and Victoria Williams
Science and state -- China -- Congresses : Strategies for preservation of and open access to scientific data in China : summary of a workshop / Paul F. Uhlir and Julie M. Esanu, rapporteurs ; U.S. National Committee for CODATA, Board on International Scientific Organizations, National Research Council of the National Academies
Science and state -- Croatia -- Congresses : Reconstructing science, engineering, and higher education in Bosnia-Hercegovina and Croatia : summary of a meeting, Washington DC, May 6-7, 1996 / Office for Central Europe and Eurasia, Office of International Affairs, National Research Council
Science and state -- Decision making : Shaping science and technology policy : the next generation of research / edited by David H. Guston and Daniel Sarewitz
Science and state -- Economic aspects : Modernisation of science policy and management approaches in Central and South East Europe / edited by Edvard Kobal and Slavo Radosevic