Science and state -- United States -- Case studies : Federal science and the public good : securing the integrity of science in policy making / Union of Concerned Scientists, Scientific Integrity Program
Science and technology -- Great Britain : An evaluation of the role of email in promoting science investigative skills in primary rural schools in England / Tina Jarvis, Linda Hargreaves and Chris Comber
Science and technology intermediary organizations -- Congresses : The future of scientific knowledge discovery in open networked environments : summary of a workshop / Paul F. Uhlir, Rapporteur ; Board on Research Data and Information, Policy and Global Affairs
Science and technology libraries -- Developing countries -- Congresses : University libraries in developing countries : structure and function in regard to information transfer for science and technology : proceedings of the IFLA/Unesco Pre-Session Seminar for Librarians from Developing Countries, München, August 16-19, 1983 / edited by Anthony J. Loveday and Günter Gattermann
Science and technology libraries -- United States -- Congresses : Serving the needs of pre-college science and mathematics education : impact of a digital national library on teacher education and practice : proceedings from a National Research Council workshop / Executive Committee, Mathematical Sciences Education Board, Center for Science, Mathematics, and Engineering Education
Science and the arts -- 21st century : Art in the age of technoscience : genetic engineering, robotics, and artificial life in contemporary art / Ingeborg Reichle ; with a preface by Robert Zwijnenberg ; translated by Gloria Custance