Schools, Korean. : Aitachi no gakkō = Korean schools in Japan / Kantoku Kō Chanyu ; seisaku " Ai tachi no gakkō" Iīnkai ; kikaku Raifu Eizō Wāku
Schools, Korean -- Japan : Aitachi no gakkō = Korean schools in Japan / Kantoku Kō Chanyu ; seisaku " Ai tachi no gakkō" Iīnkai ; kikaku Raifu Eizō Wāku
Here are entered works on schools offering special courses not available in the regular school curriculum and designed, often as an aid to school desegregation, to attract students on a voluntary basis from all parts of a school district without reference to the usual attendance zone rules
Schools -- Malawi : Weaving a Malawi sunrise : a woman, a school, a people / Roberta Laurie
Here are entered general works on the administration and organization of schools. Works on the supervision of instruction within schools are entered under School supervision --subdivision Administration under names of individual educational institutions and types of educational institutions
Schools -- Massachusetts -- Boston : American experience. The busing battleground : the decades-long road to school desegregation / written by Sharon Grimberg ; produced and directed by Sharon Grimberg, Cyndee Readdean ; a Winter Pink Films production for American Experience
Schools, Medical -- history -- New Mexico : The daily practice of compassion : a history of the University of New Mexico School of Medicine, its people, and its mission, 1964-2014 / Dora L. Wang with Shannan L. Carter
Schools -- Mississippi -- Leland : American experience. The harvest : integrating Mississippi's schools / produced by Douglas A. Blackmon, Sam Pollard ; written by Douglas A. Blackmon ; a Five Dollar Films production