School elections -- Texas : Electoral structure and urban policy : the impact on Mexican American communities / J.L. Polinard, Robert D. Wrinkle, Tomas Longoria, Norman E. Binder
School employees -- Health and hygiene : Video requests (original, Jan to March). School improvement. Maintaining staff wellbeing under pressure / producer, Estelle Currie ; Brook Lapping
School employees -- Law and legislation -- Italy : Le recenti riforme dei rapporti di lavoro delle pubbliche amministrazioni e della scuola pubblica : profili teorici e operativi / a cura di Michele Cerreta e Maurizio Riommi
Here are entered general works on endowed institutions, endowment funds and donations to such funds. Works on the legal structure of endowments are entered under the heading Charitable uses, trusts, and foundations --subdivision Endowments under names of individual corporate bodies and under types of corporate bodies and disciplines, e.g. Arts--Endowments; Harvard University--Endowments
School enrollment -- India -- Case studies : A viable MBA for BoP students : PiMS in rural Kasaragod, Kerala / authored by Kishore Thomas John (PhD Research Scholar, Department of Management Studies (DoMS) IIT-Madras, Chennai, India), Ajith Kumar Kamala Raghavan (PhD Research Scholar, Research and Development Centre, Bharathiyar University, Coimbatore, India and Registrar, People Institute of Management Studies, Kasaragod, India)
School enrollment -- Latin America : Child labor and education in Latin America : an economic perspective / edited by Peter F. Orazem, Guilherme Sedlacek, and Zafiris Tzannatos