Sand and gravel plants -- Bibliography. : Annotated bibliography on the ecology and stabilization of coastal sand dunes, mining spoils and other disturbed areas / J.E. Coaldrake, M. McKay and P.A. Roe. Supplement no.1 [by] J.E. Coaldrake and K.J. Beattie
Sand -- Australia -- Snowy River (N.S.W. and Vic.) : The Snowy River sediment study : investigation into the distribution, transport and sources of sand in the Snowy River between Lake Jindabyne and Jarrahmond / by S.O. Brizga and B.L. Finlayson, for the Department of Water Resources, Victoria
Sand Canyon Pueblo Pueblo architecture Colorado : Seeking the center place : archaeology and ancient communities in the Mesa Verde region / edited by Mark D. Varien and Richard H. Wilshusen
Somewhat flattened, globular echinoderms, having thin, brittle shells of calcareous plates. They are useful models for studying FERTILIZATION and EMBRYO DEVELOPMENT
Somewhat flattened, globular echinoderms, having thin, brittle shells of calcareous plates. They are useful models for studying FERTILIZATION and EMBRYO DEVELOPMENT
Sand dune ecology -- England -- Cumbria : The lakes with Simon Reeve. Episode 3 / directed by Chris Mitchell ; produced by Chris Mitchell, The Garden Productions
Sand dune ecology -- Europe. : Perspectives in coastal dune management : proceedings of the European Symposium, Leiden, September 7-11, 1987, The Netherlands / edited by F. van der Meulen, P. D. Jungerius and J. H. Visser