Beliefs and values shared by all members of the organization. These shared values, which are subject to change, are reflected in the day to day management of the organization
Safety Management -- Congresses : Blood and blood products : safety and risk / Forum on Blood Safety and Blood Availability, Division of Health Sciences Policy, Institute of Medicine ; Henrik Bendixen, Frederick Manning and Linette Sparacino, editors
Safety Management -- European Union : Safety critical systems handbook : a straightforward guide to functional safety: IEC 61508 (2010 edition) and related standards : including: Process IEC 61511, Machinery IEC 62061 and ISO 13849 / by David J. Smith, Kenneth G.L. Simpson
Safety Management -- methods -- Guideline : Radiation protection in veterinary medicine : recommendations of the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements
Safety measures Acupuncture : Clean needle technique : a manual for acupuncturists and other healthcare professionals / Jenny Belluomini
Safety measures Aden, Gulf of Navigation : Countering piracy in the modern era : notes from a RAND workshop to discuss the best approaches for dealing with piracy in the 21st century / Peter Chalk, Laurence Smallman, Nicholas Burger
Safety measures Aeronautics, Commercial Freight : Evaluation of the transport airplane risk assessment methodology / Committee on Transport Airplane Risk Assessment Methodology ; Aeronautics and Space Engineering Board ; Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences ; A Consensus Study Report of Sciences, Engineering, Medicine
Safety measures Aeronautics Congresses : Safety in aviation and space technologies : select proceedings of the 9th World Congress "Aviation in the XXI Century" / Andrii Bieliatynskyi, Vera Breskich, editors
Safety measures Aeronautics, Military : Charting the course for a new Air Force inspection system / Frank Camm, Laura Werber, Julie Kim, Elizabeth Wilke, Rena Rudavsky