Science, Renaissance -- Congresses : Natural particulars : nature and the disciplines in Renaissance Europe / edited by Anthony Grafton and Nancy Siraisi
Here are entered general works on research, and with local subdivision, works on research carried out in specific places. Works on research about a particular region, country, etc. are entered under the name of the region, country, etc. with the subdivision Research --subdivision Research under names of countries, cities, etc.; and under subjects
Science -- Research grants -- United States -- States : The experimental program to stimulate competitive research / Committee to Evaluate the Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) and Similar Federal Agency Programs, Committee on Science, Engineering, and Public Policy, Policy and Global Affairs ; National Academy of Sciences ; National Academy of Engineering ; Institute of Medicine
Science -- revolution : Science and the state : from the scientific revolution to World War II / John Gascoigne
Science -- Risk assessment -- United States : A review of NASA human research program's scientific merit assessment processes : letter report / Committee on the Review of NASA Human Research Program's Scientific Merit Assessment Processes ; Board on Health Sciences Policy ; James A. Pawelczyk, Larisa M. Strawbridge, Andrea M. Schultz, and Catharyn T. Liverman, Editors. ; Institute of Medicine of the National Academies
Science -- Romania -- History. : Moments in the history of Romanian science and technology / by Stefan Balan and Emil Condurachi
Science -- Rome -- History -- To 1500 : Technical ekphrasis in Greek and Roman science and literature : the written machine between Alexandria and Rome / Courtney Roby
Science rooms and equipment -- See Also Laboratories
Science -- Russia : Degeneration, decadence and disease in the Russian fin de siècle : neurasthenia in the life and work of Leonid Andrew / Frederick H. White
Science -- Russia (Federation) -- Congresses : Bridging the innovation gap in Russia : the Helsinki seminar, March 2001 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Science -- Scholarships, fellowships, etc. -- Australia. : Review of the UK/Australia fellowships scheme for teachers of science : report to the Commonwealth Department of Employment, Education and Training / Ian Robottom and Rob Walker; with the assistance of May Pettigrew
Science -- Scholarships, fellowships, etc. -- Great Britain. : Review of the UK/Australia fellowships scheme for teachers of science : report to the Commonwealth Department of Employment, Education and Training / Ian Robottom and Rob Walker; with the assistance of May Pettigrew
Science -- Scholarships, fellowships, etc. -- United States : Approaches for evaluating the NRC Resident Research Associateship Program at NIST / Board on Higher Education and Workforce, Policy and Global Affairs Division, National Research Council of the National Academies ; John Sislin, editor
Science -- Scotland -- History. : The Royal Society of Edinburgh (1783-1983) : the first two hundred years / by Neil Campbell and R. Martin S. Smellie ; with a foreword by Lord Cameron