Science consultants -- United States -- Congresses : State science and technology policy advice : issues, opportunities, and challenges : summary of a national convocation / Steve Olson, rapporteur ; Jay B. Labov, editor ; National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, and Institute of Medicine of the National Academies
Science de l'information. : Computational and information science : first international symposium, CIS 2004, Shanghai, China, December 16-18, 2004 : proceedings / Jun Zhang, Ji-Huan He, Yuxi Fu (eds.)
Science -- Decision making : Groupthink in science : greed, pathological altruism, ideology, competition, and culture / David M. Allen, James W. Howell, editors
Science des matériaux Neutrons Supraconductivité : Neutron scattering in novel materials : proceedings of the Eighth Summer School on Neutron Scattering, Zuoz, Switzerland, 5-11 August 2000 / editor, Albert Furrer
Science Descartes, René, 1596-1650 : Descartes and Cartesianism : essays in honour of Desmond Clarke / edited by Stephen Gaukroger and Catherine Wilson
Science -- Developing countries -- International cooperation -- Congresses : The case for international sharing of scientific data : a focus on developing countries, proceedings of a symposium / Kathie Bailey Mathae and Paul F. Uhlir, editors ; Committee on the Case of International Sharing of Scientific Data: A Focus on Developing Countries ; Board on International Scientific Organizations ; Board on Research Data and Information ; Policy and Global Affairs ; in collaboration with the Committee on Freedom and Responsibility in the Conduct of Science ; International Council for Science ; National Research Council of the National Academies