Rumänien Antisemitismus Geschichte Neuzeit : Inventing the Jew : antisemitic stereotypes in Romanian and other Central East-European cultures / Andrei Oișteanu ; foreword by Moshe Idel ; translated from Romanian by Mirela Adăscăliţei
Rumba (Dance) -- Congo (Democratic Republic) -- Kinshasa : Rumba rules : new genealogies / coproduction, Festival d'automne à Paris, Mu.ZEE (Kunstmuseum aan zee, Ostende) ; a film by David N. Bernatchez, Sammy Baloji ; producers, Rosa Spaliviero, David N. Bernatchez
Rumba (Dance) -- History. : America dances! 1897-1948 : a collector's edition of social dance in film / [Carol Téten, collector and organizer]
Rumbalara Aboriginal Co-operative : Bush tucker, healing plants and seafoods. Diabetes in the Koorie community. Koorie health today / produced by Marion Crooke
Rumbas -- Congo (Brazzaville) : Bakolo Music International / une production la Huit ; en coproduction avec Africolor, Fotogram et vià93 ; un film de Stéphane Jourdain
Rumbas -- Tanzania -- History : The legacy of Tanzanian musicians Muhidin Gurumo and Hassan Bitchuka : rhumba kiserebuka! / Frank Gunderson
Rumble strips. : Guidance for the design and application of shoulder and centerline rumble strips / D.J. Torbic [and others]
Rumelia Christians Bulgaria History : Muslim land, Christian labor : transforming Ottoman imperial subjects into Bulgarian national citizens, 1878-1939 / Anna M. Mirkova
Rumelia Social change Bulgaria History : Muslim land, Christian labor : transforming Ottoman imperial subjects into Bulgarian national citizens, 1878-1939 / Anna M. Mirkova