Rubber chemistry -- Congresses : Progress in polymer and rubber technology : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Polymer Technology Conference and Exhibition 2013 (IPTCE13), April 16-18, 2013, Selangor, Malaysia / edited by Dzaraini Kamarun [and five others]
Rubber coatings. : Tank linings for chemical process industries / V.C. Chandrasekaran
Rubber -- Congresses : High performance elastomer materials : an engineering approach / edited by Dariusz M. Bielinski, Ryszard Kozlowski and Gennady E. Zaikov
Rubber -- Cracking : Fatigue crack growth in rubber materials : experiments and modelling / Gert Heinrich, Reinhold Kipscholl, Radek Stoček, editors
Rubber -- Curing -- Measurement -- Congresses. : Continuous measurement of the cure rate of rubber : a symposium presented at the sixty-seventh annual meeting American Society for Testing and Materials, Chicago, Ill., June 25, 1964
Rubber -- Effect of temperature on : Advances in understanding thermal effects in rubber : experiments, modelling, and practical relevance / Gert Heinrich, Reinhold Kipscholl, Jean-Benoît Le Cam, Radek Stoček, editors ; with contributions by K. Akutagawa [and 29 others]
Rubber goods -- Congresses. : Symposium on the applications of synthetic rubbers : Cincinnati Spring Meeting, American Society for Testing Materials, March 2, 1944
Rubber industry and trade -- Accounting. : Manual of accounts and budgetary control for the rubber industry / by the Accounting Committee of the Rubber Association of America, inc