Rozenbaumas, Moïshé, 1922-2016. : The odyssey of an apple thief Moïshé Rozenbaumas ; translated from the French by Jonathan Layton ; edited by Isabelle Rozenbaumas ; with a foreword by Samuel Kassow
Rozitchner, Leon : La ventana de Leon Rozitchner / by Eduardo Montes-Bradley
Rožmberk, Anéžka, active 15th century -- Correspondence : The letters of the Rožmberk sisters : noblewomen in fifteenth-century Bohemia : translated from Czech and German with introduction, notes and interpretive essay / John M. Klassen, with Eva Doležalová and Lynn Szabo
Rožmberk family. : The letters of the Rožmberk sisters : noblewomen in fifteenth-century Bohemia : translated from Czech and German with introduction, notes and interpretive essay / John M. Klassen, with Eva Doležalová and Lynn Szabo
Rožmberka, Perchta z, active 15th century -- Correspondence : The letters of the Rožmberk sisters : noblewomen in fifteenth-century Bohemia : translated from Czech and German with introduction, notes and interpretive essay / John M. Klassen, with Eva Doležalová and Lynn Szabo