Rose, John, 1785-1859 -- Trials, litigation, etc : Cases extracted from the reports of the Commissioners of charities, in England and from the calendars in Chancery : with an appendix containing the statutes of 39 & 43 Elizabeth and other statutes of the realm, relating to the disposition of property for charitable and public uses, &c. / by Theodore W. Dwight
Rose, Ken, 1956- : The last lawyer : the fight to save death row inmates / John Temple
Rose Studio : Innovation strategy to control and grow a global niche market : China's design queen Guo Pei in the French haute couture industry / Joachim Timlon
Rose tattoo Williams, Tennessee, 1911-1983 : Drama for students. Volume 18 : presenting analysis, context and criticism on commonly studied dramas / David Galens, project editor ; foreword by Carole L. Hamilton
Rose Theatre (London, England) / : Henslowe's Rose : the stage & staging / Ernest L. Rhodes
Rose, Todd, 1974- : Neuroscience & the classroom. Different learners, different minds. 4.9, Success story : Dr. Todd Rose / [produced by the Science Media Group at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics]
Rose, Victor M., 1842-1893. : Wild Rose : the life and times of Victor Marion Rose, poet and early historian of Texas / Louise S. O'Connor ; with forewords by Gary Dunnam and Margaret Stoner McLean
Rose windows. : Rose windows / Painton Cowen ; photography by the author