Reseach Happiness : Roadtesting happiness : how to be happier (no matter what) / Sophie Scott
Reseach Information technology : La mediación tecnológica como vía para la apropiación del patrimonio cultural / Yamely Almarza Franco, Johann Pirela Morillo
Reseach Instructional systems Design : Design research in social studies education : critical lessons from an emerging field / edited by Beth C. Rubin, Eric B. Freedman, and Jongsung Kim
Reseach Knowledge management : La mediación tecnológica como vía para la apropiación del patrimonio cultural / Yamely Almarza Franco, Johann Pirela Morillo
The integration of epidemiologic, sociological, economic, and other analytic sciences in the study of health services. Health services research is usually concerned with relationships between need, demand, supply, use, and outcome of health services. The aim of the research is evaluation, particularly in terms of structure, process, output, and outcome. (From Last, Dictionary of Epidemiology, 2d ed)
Critical and exhaustive investigation or experimentation, having for its aim the discovery of new facts and their correct interpretation, the revision of accepted conclusions, theories, or laws in the light of newly discovered facts, or the practical application of such new or revised conclusions, theories, or laws. (Webster, 3d ed)
Critical and exhaustive investigation or experimentation, having for its aim the discovery of new facts and their correct interpretation, the revision of accepted conclusions, theories, or laws in the light of newly discovered facts, or the practical application of such new or revised conclusions, theories, or laws. (Webster, 3d ed)
Research -- Administration : Research management : Europe and beyond / Jan Andersen, Kristel Toom, Susi Poli and Pamela F. Miller
Research -- Africa -- Congresses : Science research and education in Africa : proceedings of a conference on science advancement / edited by Alain L. Fymat and Joachim Kapalanga
Research -- Africa, North -- International cooperation : Sustainable North African society : exploring the seeds and resources for innovation / editors: Hiroko Isoda, Marcos Neves and Atsushi Kawachi (University of Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan)
Critical and exhaustive investigation or experimentation, having for its aim the discovery of new facts and their correct interpretation, the revision of accepted conclusions, theories, or laws in the light of newly discovered facts, or the practical application of such new or revised conclusions, theories, or laws. (Webster, 3d ed)
Research and development contracts, Government -- Australia. : Science and technology for Australia / statement by the Hon. R.J.L. Hawke, Prime Minister and the Hon. Barry O. Jones, Minister for Science, Customs and Small Business and Minister Assisting the Prime Minister for Science and Technology