The study of laws, theories, and hypotheses through a systematic examination of pertinent facts and their interpretation in the field of dentistry. (From Jablonski, Illustrated Dictionary of Dentistry, 1982, p674)
Committees established to review interim data and efficacy outcomes in clinical trials. The findings of these committees are used in deciding whether a trial should be continued as designed, changed, or terminated. Government regulations regarding federally-funded research involving human subjects (the "Common Rule") require (45 CFR 46.111) that research ethics committees reviewing large-scale clinical trials monitor the data collected using a mechanism such as a data monitoring committee. FDA regulations (21 CFR 50.24) require that such committees be established to monitor studies conducted in emergency settings
Research Design -- Congresses -- United States : Redesigning the clinical effectiveness research paradigm : innovation and practice-based approaches : workshop summary / LeighAnne Olsen and J. Michael McGinnis, editors ; Institute of Medicine of the National Academies
The form and structure of analytic studies in epidemiologic research
Research Design -- legislation & jurisprudence : Access to research data in the 21st century : an ongoing dialogue among interested parties : report of a workshop / Science, Technology, and Law Panel, Policy and Global Affairs, National Research Council
Research Design -- United States -- Congresses : Transforming clinical research in the United States : challenges and opportunities : workshop summary / Rebecca A. English, Yeanwoo Lebovitz, and Robert B. Giffin, rapporteurs ; Forum on Drug Discovery, Development, and Translation, Board on Health Sciences Policy, Institute of Medicine of the National Academies
A plan for collecting and utilizing data so that desired information can be obtained with sufficient precision or so that an hypothesis can be tested properly
The form and structure of analytic studies in epidemiologic research
Research -- Developed countries : The leading world's most innovative universities / Abdulrahman Obaid Al-Youbi, Adnan Hamza Mohammad Zahed, Mahmoud Nadim Nahas, Ahmad Abousree Hegazy
Concept relating to technologies and/or information emanating from research that holds the potential for both benevolent and malevolent applications to humanity and the environment
Research -- Econometric models : R & D spillovers and global growth / prepared by Tamim Bayoumi, David T. Coe, and Elhanan Helpman
Research -- Economic aspects -- California : Public universities and regional growth : insights from the University of California / edited by Martin Kenney and David C. Mowery
Research -- Economic aspects -- Congresses. : Science and technology in economic growth / proceedings of a conference held by the International Economic Association at St Anton, Austria. Edited by B. R. Williams