Research, Industrial -- Laboratories -- Congresses : The impact of virtual, remote, and real logistics labs : first international conference, ImViReLL 2012 Bremen, Germany, February 28-March 1, 2012, Proceedings / Dieter Uckelmann, Bernd Scholz-Reiter, Ingrid Rügge, Bonghee Hong, Antonio Rizzi (eds.)
Research, Industrial -- Location : Here or there? : a survey of factors in multinational R & D location / Jerry Thursby and Marie Thursby ; National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, and Institute of Medicine of the National Academies
Research, Industrial -- Mathematical models : Casimir force, Casimir operators, and the Riemann hypothesis : mathematics for innovation in industry and science / editors, Gerrit van Dijk, Masato Wakayama
Research, Industrial -- OECD countries -- Management. : Strategic innovation in small firms : an international analysis of innovation and strategic decision making in small to medium sized enterprises / edited by Tim Mazzarol, Sophie Reboud
Research, Industrial -- United States -- Laboratories : An assessment of the National Institute of Standards and Technology Information Technology Laboratory : fiscal year 2011 / Panel on Information Technology, Laboratory Assessments Board, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, National Research Council
Research, Industrial -- United States -- Management : Rebuilding a real economy : unleashing engineering innovation : summary of a forum / prepared by Steve Olson for the National Academy of Engineering of the National Academies
Organizations representing specialized fields which are accepted as authoritative; may be non-governmental, university or an independent research organization, e.g., National Academy of Sciences, Brookings Institution, etc
Research Institute for Humanities & Social Sciences : Sharing country : land rights, human rights and reconciliation after Wik : proceedings of a public forum / organised by the Research Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Sydney