Programs or projects established by religious groups or institution to support and provide missionary activities, including sharing faith or providing educational, medical, or other assistance
Here are entered works on groups or movements whose system of religious beliefs or practices differs significantly from the major world religions and which are often gathered around a specific deity or personWorks on the major world religions are entered under ReligionsWorks on religious groups whose adherents recognize special teachings or practices which fall within the normative bounds of the major world religions are entered under Sects --subdivision Cult under names of individual deities, saints, etc. for the system of beliefs and rituals connected with them, e.g. Francis, of Assisi, Saint, 1182-1226--Cult
Here are entered works on groups or movements whose system of religious beliefs or practices differs significantly from the major world religions and which are often gathered around a specific deity or personWorks on the major world religions are entered under ReligionsWorks on religious groups whose adherents recognize special teachings or practices which fall within the normative bounds of the major world religions are entered under Sects --subdivision Cult under names of individual deities, saints, etc. for the system of beliefs and rituals connected with them, e.g. Francis, of Assisi, Saint, 1182-1226--Cult
Here are entered works on groups or movements whose system of religious beliefs or practices differs significantly from the major world religions and which are often gathered around a specific deity or personWorks on the major world religions are entered under ReligionsWorks on religious groups whose adherents recognize special teachings or practices which fall within the normative bounds of the major world religions are entered under Sects --subdivision Cult under names of individual deities, saints, etc. for the system of beliefs and rituals connected with them, e.g. Francis, of Assisi, Saint, 1182-1226--Cult
Religious newspapers and periodicals -- Africa -- History. : "To give publicity to our thoughts" : Journale asiatischer und afrikanischer Christen um 1900 und die Entstehung einer transregionalen indigen-christlichen Öffentlichkeit = Journals of Asian and African Christians around 1900 and the making of a transregional Indigenous-Christian public sphere / herausgegeben von / edited by Klaus Koschorke, Adrian Hermann, Frieder Ludwig & Cirprian Burlacioiu
Religious newspapers and periodicals -- Asia -- History. : "To give publicity to our thoughts" : Journale asiatischer und afrikanischer Christen um 1900 und die Entstehung einer transregionalen indigen-christlichen Öffentlichkeit = Journals of Asian and African Christians around 1900 and the making of a transregional Indigenous-Christian public sphere / herausgegeben von / edited by Klaus Koschorke, Adrian Hermann, Frieder Ludwig & Cirprian Burlacioiu
Religious observances on public property -- Case studies : Corps in/visibles : genre, religion et politique = In/visible bodies : gender, religion and politics / sous la direction de Florence Pasche Guignard, Catherine Larouche
Here are entered works about religious newspapers and periodicals as a type of publication. Individual religious newspapers or periodicals are entered under subject headings appropriate to the topic, religion, or denomination discussed
--subdivision Persecutions under headings for religious groups and also subdivision Nazi persecution under names of individual religious and monastic orders, e.g. Jesuits--Nazi persecution