Here are entered works about the relationship between religion and music. Works about the relationship between a specific religion and music are entered under headings of the type Music--Religious aspects--[religion], e.g. Music--Religious aspects--Buddhism. Miscellaneous collections of sacred instrumental and vocal music are entered under Sacred music. Sacred music for specific religions or of specific types is entered under Buddhist music; Synagaogue music; Sacred vocal music; Organ masses; Wedding music; and similar headings
Religion and mythology Achuar Indians : In the society of nature : a native ecology in Amazonia / Philippe Descola ; translated from the French by Nora Scott
Religion and mythology Bororo Indians : Vital souls : Bororo cosmology, natural symbolism, and shamanism / Jon Christopher Crocker ; foreword by David Maybury-Lewis
Religion and mythology Cree Indians : Dialectics in tradition : myth and social structure in two hunter-gatherer societies / by David H. Turner