Reindeer farming -- Russia, Northern : Power and the people : the state and peripheral communities in the Russian Far North / Yulian Konstantinov
Reindeer farming -- Scandinavia : Reindeer husbandry and global environmental change : pastoralism in Fennoscandia / edited by Tim Horstkotte, Øystein Holand, Jouko Kumpula and Jon Moen
Reindeer herders -- Alaska -- Biography : The reindeer queen : the story of Sinrock Mary / Documentary Educational Resources ; writer /producer, Maria Brooks
Reindeer herders -- Norway -- Drama : Laila / a Flicker Alley Digital Edition from the National Library of Norway ; Norsk filminstitutt presenterer ; porduksjon, Helge Lunde ; Regi, Georg Schnéevoigt
Reindeer herders -- Russia, Northern : Words and silences : Nenets reindeer herders and Russian evangelical missionaries in the post-Soviet arctic / Laur Vallikivi
Reindeer herding -- Arctic regions : Cultivating Arctic landscapes : knowing and managing animals in the circumpolar North / edited by David G. Anderson and Mark Nuttall
Here are entered works on the husbandry of domesticated Rangifer tarandus either as open-range or contained animals. Works on the handling and management of domesticated Rangifer tarandus, incorporating the pastoral system are entered under Reindeer herding
Reiner, Carl, 1922- : Something about the author. Volume 151 : facts and pictures about authors and illustrators of books for young people / Lisa Kumar, project editor
Reiner, Rob. : Hollywood's Best Film Directors: Rob Reiner / Director: Charles, Martin Saint
Reinerov?a, Lenka : "Mir hat immer die menschliche Solidaritat geholfen." : Die j?udischen Autorinnen Lenka Reinerov?a und Anna Seghers / Viera Glosikov?a, Sina Mei?geier, Ilse Nagelschmidt (Hg.)