Reichstagswahl : The Kaiser's voters : electors and elections in Imperial Germany / Jonathan Sperber
Reichsvereinigung der Juden in Deutschland. / : A fatal balancing act : the dilemma of the Reich Association of Jews in Germany, 1939-1945 / Beate Meyer ; translated by Bill Templer
Reichsvertretung der Deutschen Juden. / : Jüdische Selbsthilfe unter dem Naziregime 1933-1939 im Spiegel der Berichte der Reichsvertretung der Juden in Deutschland [von] S. Adler-Rudel. Mit einem Vorwort von Robert Weltsch
Reid, Alastair, 1926-2014. Curiosity : Poetry for students. Volume 47 : presenting analysis, context and criticism on commonly studied poetry / Sara Constantakis, project editor ; foreword by David J. Kelly
Reid, Anthony, 1939- : Anthony Reid and the study of the Southeast Asian past / edited by Geoff Wade and Li Tana
Reid, Clement, 1853-1916. : Quaternary research in Britain and Ireland : a history based on the activities of the subdepartment of quaternary research, University of Cambridge, 1948-1994 / Richard West