Raw materials -- British Commonwealth : Technical reports and scientific papers / edited by Wyndham R. Dunstan ... With a preface by the late Sir Frederick Abel, bart. ... .
Raw materials -- Japan : East Asia and the global economy : Japan's ascent, with implications for China's future / Stephen G. Bunker and Paul S. Ciccantell
Raw materials -- Quality control : Botanical raw materials : methods and techniques for quality control / edited by Kurt Reynertson, Khalid Mahmood
Raw materials -- Southeast Asia : The new rare metal age : new challenges and implications of critical raw materials supply security in the 21st century / Frank Umbach
Raw materials -- United States -- Management : Managing materials for a twenty-first century military / Committee on Assessing the Need for a Defense Stockpile, National Materials Advisory Board, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, National Research Council of the National Academies
Rawdon, Marmaduke, 1610-1669. : The life of Marmaduke Rawdon of York, or, Marmaduke Rawdon the second of that name : now first printed from the original ms. in the possession of Robert Cooke, esq., F.R.G.S. / edited by Robert Davies
Rawi, Mahboba. : Mahboba's promise : how one woman made a world of difference / Mahboba Rawi with Vanessa Mickan-Gramazio
Rawick, George P., 1929- : Within the shell of the old : essays on workers' self-organization : a salute to George Rawick / edited by Don Fitz and David Roediger
Rawle, William Brooke, 1843-1915 -- Diaries : Blue-blooded cavalryman : Captain William Brooke Rawle in the Army of the Potomac, May 1863-August 1865 / edited by J. Gregory Acken