Raumfahrtprogramm : Space operations : exploration, scientific utilization, and technology development / edited by Craig A. Cruzen, Johanna M. Gunn, Patrice J. Amadieu
Räumliches Hören : Spatial audio processing : MPEG surround and other applications / Jeroen Breebaart, Christof Faller
Räumliches Schließen : Theories and methods of spatio-temporal reasoning in geographic space / International Conference GIS--From Space to Territory: Theories and Methods of Spatio-Temporal Reasoning, Pisa, Italy, September 1992, proceedings ; A.U. Frank, I. Campari, U. Formentini (eds.)
Räumliches Wissen : Spatial information theory : 9th international conference, COSIT 2009, Aber Wrac'h, France, September 21-25, 2009 : proceedings / Kathleen Stewart Hornsby [and others] (eds.)
Raunds Area Project (England) / http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/n97118046 : West Cotton, Raunds a study of the medieval settlement dynamics, AD 450-1450 : excavation of a deserted medieval hamlet in Northamptonshire, 1985-89 : Raunds Area Project / Andy Chapman ; with major contributions by Umberto Albarella ... [et al.] ; contributions by Marion Archibald ... [et al.] ; illustrated by Tony Baker, Leslie Collet and Alex Thompson
Raunds England West Cotton Site : West Cotton, Raunds a study of the medieval settlement dynamics, AD 450-1450 : excavation of a deserted medieval hamlet in Northamptonshire, 1985-89 : Raunds Area Project / Andy Chapman ; with major contributions by Umberto Albarella ... [et al.] ; contributions by Marion Archibald ... [et al.] ; illustrated by Tony Baker, Leslie Collet and Alex Thompson
Raunds Landscape archaeology England : West Cotton, Raunds a study of the medieval settlement dynamics, AD 450-1450 : excavation of a deserted medieval hamlet in Northamptonshire, 1985-89 : Raunds Area Project / Andy Chapman ; with major contributions by Umberto Albarella ... [et al.] ; contributions by Marion Archibald ... [et al.] ; illustrated by Tony Baker, Leslie Collet and Alex Thompson
Rauparaha, 1768?-1849 : Te Rauparaha, a new perspective / by Patricia Burns ; with translations by Bill Parker ; and an appendix by A.A. St. C.M. Murray-Oliver