Rare earths -- Research -- Congresses : Advanced functional materials : selected, peer reviewed papers from the Chinese Materials Congress 2014 (CMC 2014), July 4-7, 2014, Chengdu, China / edited by Yafang Han, Zhongwei Gu and Qiang Fu
Rare earths -- Southeast Asia : Enhancing ASEAN's Role in Critical Mineral Supply Chains / by Sharon Seah and Mirza Sadaqat Huda
Rare fishes -- Africa, West : Western Africa's missing fish : the impacts of illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing and under-reporting catches by foreign fleets / Alfonso Daniels, Miren Gutiérrez, Gonzalo Fanjul, Arantxa Guereña, Ishbel Matheson and Kevin Watkins
Rare fishes -- Australia. : Conservation overview and action plan for Australian threatened and potentially threatened marine and estuarine fishes / by J.J. Pogonoski, D.A. Pollard and J.R. Paxton
Rare fishes -- Australia -- Congresses. : Proceedings of the Conference on Australian Threatened Fishes : conducted by the Australian Society for Fish Biology Melbourne, 15-16 August 1985 / edited by J.H. Harris
Rare fishes -- Australia -- Victoria. : Trout Cod, Maccullochella Macquariensis (Cuvier) (Pisces : Percichthyidae) : resource handbook and research and recovery plan / by John W. Douglas, Geoff J. Gooley and Brett A. Ingram
Rare fishes -- California -- Sacramento-San Joaquin Estuary : A scientific assessment of alternatives for reducing water management effects on threatened and endangered fishes in California's bay-delta / Committee on Sustainable Water and Environmental Management in the California Bay-Delta, Water Science and Technology Board, Ocean Studies Board, Division on Earth and Life Studies, National Research Council of the National Academies
Rare insects -- Germany -- Rhineland-Palatinate : Artenschutzprogramm für die Gekielte Smaragdlibelle (Oxygastra curtisii, Insecta, Odonata) in Deutschland : das Beispeiel der Population an der Our / Jürgen Ott [and others]
Rare insects -- Our River Region (Germany and Luxembourg) : Artenschutzprogramm für die Gekielte Smaragdlibelle (Oxygastra curtisii, Insecta, Odonata) in Deutschland : das Beispeiel der Population an der Our / Jürgen Ott [and others]
Rare invertebrates -- Australia. : Our wildlife in peril / by the Endangered Species Committee of the Total Environment Centre ; illustrations by Dorothy Dunphy
Rare mammals -- Africa : Among African apes : stories and photos from the field / edited by Martha M. Robbins and Christophe Boesch
Rare mammals -- Africa, West : The pygmy hippo story : West Africa's enigma of the rainforest / Phillip T. Robinson, Gabriella L. Flacke, and Knut M. Hentschel ; with contributions by Waldemar Bülow, April L. Conway, Henk Dop, Alexander L. Peal, Klaus and Annette Scheurich, Charles Steiner, and Frans G. van den Brink
Rare mammals -- Australia, Northern. : Into oblivion? : the disappearing native mammals of northern Australia / compiled by James Fitzsimons ...[and others]
Rare mammals -- Conservation : Cheetahs : biology and conservation / edited by Laurie Marker, Lorraine K. Boast, Anne Schmidt-Küntzel
Rare mammals -- East (U.S.) : The Allegheny woodrat : ecology, conservation, and management of a declining species / John D. Peles, Janet Wright, editors
Rare mammals -- Identification. : Collins guide to the rare mammals of the world / John A. Burton with the assistance of Vivien G. Burton ; illustrated by Bruce Pearson ; foreword by Sir Peter Scott