A large group of diseases which are characterized by a low prevalence in the population. They frequently are associated with problems in diagnosis and treatment
Rare diseases -- Case studies : Unusual conditions that every orthopaedic surgeon should know : a case-based guide / Wilhelm A. Zuelzer, Sreenivasulu Metikala, editors
Rare diseases -- Chemotherapy : Rare disease drug development : clinical, scientific, patient, and caregiver perspectives / Raymond A. Huml, editor
Rare diseases -- Genetic aspects : Genomics of rare diseases : understanding rare disease genetics / edited by Claudia Gonzaga-Jauregui and James R. Lupski
Rare Diseases -- genetics : Genetics of rare autoimmune diseases / Javier Martín, Francisco David Carmona, editors
Rare Diseases -- pathology : Rare tumors in children and adolescents / Dominik T. Schneider [and others], editors
Rare diseases -- Treatment -- Research : Innovative designs and analyses for small population clinical trials : development strategies and operational engagement for pediatric and rare diseases / Jingjing Ye, Lei Nie
Rare earth industry -- Economic aspects : Rare earths industry : technological, economic, and environmental implications / edited by Ismar Borges De Lima, Walter Leal Filho
Rare earth industry -- Environmental aspects : Rare earths industry : technological, economic, and environmental implications / edited by Ismar Borges De Lima, Walter Leal Filho
Rare earth industry -- Southeast Asia : The new rare metal age : new challenges and implications of critical raw materials supply security in the 21st century / Frank Umbach
Rare earth ions. : Physics and chemistry of rare-earth ions doped glasses / edited by Nandyala Sooraj Hussain & José Domingos Da Silva Santos
Rare earth ions -- Spectra. : Theoretical spectroscopy of transition metal and rare earth ions : from free state to crystal field / Mikhail Brik, Ma Chong-Geng
Rare earth lasers. : Erbium : compounds, production, and applications / Emily K. Byrne, editor