Rain forests -- Latin America : Biodiversity loss and conservation in fragmented forest landscapes : the forests of montane Mexico and temperate South America / edited by A.C. Newton
Rain forests -- Nigeria : The forest is our life / produced & directed by Feisal Malik ; writers, Feisal Malik, Ash Jenkins
Rain forests -- Oceania : Tropical forests of Oceania : anthropological perspectives / editors: Joshua A. Bell, Paige West and Colin Filer
Rain forests -- Pacific Area. : The Conservation atlas of tropical forests. Asia and the Pacific / editors, N. Mark Collins, Jeffrey A. Sayer and Timothy C. Whitmore
Rain forests -- Queensland, Northeast : Past rainforest management in north east Queensland : a background to the Daintree road issue / Kevin Frawley. Individuals and organisations involved with the Cape Tribulation to Bloomfield road / Mark Edebone
Rain forests -- Queensland, Northern -- Management : Wet Tropics Conservation Strategy (2004) : the conservation, rehabilitation and transmission to future generations of the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area / [Wet Tropics Management Authority]
Rain forests -- Southeast Asia -- Congresses : Changes and disturbance in tropical rainforest in South-east Asia / a discussion meeting organized and edited by D.M. Newbery, T.H. Clutton-Brock and G.T. Prance
Here are entered works on forests consisting primarily of tall, broad-leaved evergreen trees located in areas of high annual rainfall chiefly, but not exclusively, in the tropics. Works on areas of luxuriant, impenetrable vegetation occurring where light penetrates along tracks or riverbanks in tropical areas or as second growth vegetation where tropical forests have been cleared are entered under Jungles