radiotherapy Eye Diseases : Radiotherapy of ocular disease / First International Symposium on Special Aspects of Radiotherapy, Berlin, May 4-5, 1996 ; volume editors, T. Wiegel [and others]
Radiotherapy Eye Diseases Congresses : Radiotherapy of ocular disease / First International Symposium on Special Aspects of Radiotherapy, Berlin, May 4-5, 1996 ; volume editors, T. Wiegel [and others]
radiotherapy Eye Neoplasms : Ophthalmic radiation therapy : techniques and applications / volume editors, Arun D. Singh, David E. Pelayes, Stefan Seregard, Roger Macklis
Radiotherapy Eye Tumors Congresses : Radiotherapy of ocular disease / First International Symposium on Special Aspects of Radiotherapy, Berlin, May 4-5, 1996 ; volume editors, T. Wiegel [and others]
Radiotherapy Generative organs, Male Cancer : Radiation therapy for genitourinary malignancies : a practical and technical guide / Abhishek A. Solanki, Ronald C. Chen, editors
radiotherapy Glioblastoma : Radiobiology of glioblastoma : recent advances and related pathobiology / Luigi Pirtoli, Giovanni Luca Gravina and Antonio Giordano, editors
Radiotherapy Glioblastoma multiforme : Radiobiology of glioblastoma : recent advances and related pathobiology / Luigi Pirtoli, Giovanni Luca Gravina and Antonio Giordano, editors
Radiotherapy -- Handbooks -- adverse effects : Integrative Strategies for Cancer Patients : a Practical Resource for Managing the Side Effects of Cancer Therapy / Elena J. Ladas, Kara M. Kelly
Radiotherapy, Image-Guided -- methods : Image-guided cancer therapy : a multidisciplinary approach / edited by Damian E. Dupuy, Yuman Fong, William N. McMullen
A collective term for interstitial, intracavity, and surface radiotherapy. It uses small sealed or partly-sealed sources that may be placed on or near the body surface or within a natural body cavity or implanted directly into the tissues