Any diagnostic evaluation using radioactive (unstable) isotopes. This diagnosis includes many nuclear medicine procedures as well as radioimmunoassay tests
Any diagnostic evaluation using radioactive (unstable) isotopes. This diagnosis includes many nuclear medicine procedures as well as radioimmunoassay tests
Any diagnostic evaluation using radioactive (unstable) isotopes. This diagnosis includes many nuclear medicine procedures as well as radioimmunoassay tests
Any diagnostic evaluation using radioactive (unstable) isotopes. This diagnosis includes many nuclear medicine procedures as well as radioimmunoassay tests
Separation systems containing a relatively long-lived parent radionuclide which produces a short-lived daughter in its decay scheme. The daughter can be periodically extracted (milked) by means of an appropriate eluting agent
Separation systems containing a relatively long-lived parent radionuclide which produces a short-lived daughter in its decay scheme. The daughter can be periodically extracted (milked) by means of an appropriate eluting agent
A collective term for interstitial, intracavity, and surface radiotherapy. It uses small sealed or partly-sealed sources that may be placed on or near the body surface or within a natural body cavity or implanted directly into the tissues
Radioisotope scanning -- United States : Advancing nuclear medicine through innovation / Committee on the State of the Science of Nuclear Medicine, Nuclear and Radiation Studies Board, Division of Earth and Life Sciences ; Board on Health Sciences Policy, Institute of Medicine ; National Research Council and Institute of Medicine of the National Academies
--subdivision Radionuclide imaging under individual organs and regions of the body and individual diseases and types of diseases, e.g. Heart--Radionuclide imaging; Cancer--Radionuclide imaging
Radioisotopes -- administration & dosage : Development of kinetic and anatomical models for brain dosimetry for internally deposited radionucldies / [edited by] National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements
Radioisotopes -- Congresses : Isotope production and applications in the 21st century : proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Isotopes, Vancouver, Canada, 6-10 September 1999 / editor, Nigel R. Stevenson
Unstable isotopes of gallium that decay or disintegrate emitting radiation. Ga atoms with atomic weights 63-68, 70 and 72-76 are radioactive gallium isotopes
Radioisotopes -- Handbooks, manuals, etc : Radionucléides & radioprotection : guide pratique, manuel pour la manipulation de substances radioactives dans les laboratoires de faible et moyenne activité / D. Delacroix, J.P. Guerre, P. Leblanc ; Société Française de Radioprotection
Radioisotopes in agriculture -- Congresses. : Nuclear techniques in soil-plant studies for sustainable agriculture and environmental preservation : proceedings of an International Symposium on Nuclear and Related Techniques in Soil-Plant Studies on Sustainable Agriculture and Environmental Preservation / jointly organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and held in Vienna, 17-21 October 1994
Radioisotopes in astronautics : Radioisotope power systems : an imperative for maintaining U.S. leadership in space exploration / Radioisotope Power Systems Committee, Space Studies Board, Aeronautics and Space Engineering Board, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, National Research Council
Radioisotopes in astronautics -- United States : Radioisotope power systems : an imperative for maintaining U.S. leadership in space exploration / Radioisotope Power Systems Committee, Space Studies Board, Aeronautics and Space Engineering Board, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, National Research Council