Here are entered works on the major world religionsWorks on religious groups whose adherents recognize special teachings or practices which fall within the normative bounds of the major world religions are entered under SectsWorks on groups or movements whose system of religious beliefs or practices differs significantly from the major world religions and which are often gathered around a specific deity or person are entered under Cults --headings beginning with the word Religious
Religion -- Congrès. : Science of religion : studies in methodology : proceedings of the study conference of the International Association for the History of Religions, held in Turku, Finland, August 27-31, 1973 / edited by Lauri Honko
Religion Córdoba (Spain) : A Companion to Late Antique and Medieval Islamic Cordoba : Capital of Roman Baetica and Caliphate of Al-Andalus
Religion Corée : Religion and social formation in Korea : minjung and millenarianism / by Sang Taek Lee
Religion Corinth (Greece) : Corinth in contrast : studies in inequality / edited by Steven J. Friesen, Sarah A. James, and Daniel N. Schowalter
Religion Corinth (Greece) Congresses : Corinth in context : comparative studies on religion and society / edited by Steven J. Friesen, Daniel N. Schowalter, and James C. Walters
Religion Cornell, Joseph : Spiritual moderns : twentieth-century American artists & religion / Erika Doss
Religion Cree Indians Hudson Bay Region : The spirit lives in the mind : Omushkego stories, lives and dreams / Louis Bird ; compiled and edited by Susan Elaine Gray
Religion Cree Indians James Bay Region : The spirit lives in the mind : Omushkego stories, lives and dreams / Louis Bird ; compiled and edited by Susan Elaine Gray
Religion Cree Indians Saskatchewan : Mitoni niya nêhiyaw - nêhiyaw-iskwêw mitoni niya = Cree is who I truly am - me, I am truly a Cree woman / a life told by Sarah Whitecalf ; edited and translated by H.C. Wolfart and Freda Ahenakew ; with a preface and photographs by Ted Whitecalf
Religion Cree (Indiens) : Ana kâ-pimwêwêhahk okakêskihkêmowina = The counselling speeches of Jim Kâ-Nîpitêhtêw / edited, translated and with a glossary by Freda Ahenskew & H.C. Wolfart
Religion Creoles (Sierra Leone) : The Krio of West Africa : Islam, culture, creolization, and colonialism in the nineteenth century / Gibril R. Cole