Here are entered works describing a collection of shared national beliefs, symbols, and rituals that are borrowed from religion but free of association with any single religious sect and which function as a source of meaning and social solidarity
Religion Clinton, Hillary Rodham : Do all the good you can : how faith shaped Hillary Rodham Clinton's politics / Gary Scott Smith
Religion Coast Salish Indians : Coming full circle : spirituality and wellness among Native communities in the Pacific Northwest / Suzanne Crawford O'Brien
Religion Colombia History : Historia de la religion en Colombia, 1510-2021 / José David Cortés Guerrero, editor académico ; Karim León Vargas, investigadora gráfica
Religion Colombie-Britannique : Asian religions in British Columbia / edited by Larry DeVries, Don Baker, and Dan Overmyer
Religion Colonies : Religion and governance in England's emerging colonial empire, 1601-1698 / Haig Z. Smith
Religion Colorado : Sites of insight : a guide to Colorado sacred places / edited by James Lough and Christie Smith
Religion Columbus (Ohio) : The Abrahamic encounter : local initiatives, large implications / edited by Mazhar Jalil, Norman Hosansky, and Paul D. Numrich ; foreword by Robert P. Sellers
Religion Communist countries : Religion and magic in socialist and post-socialist contexts II : historic and ethnographic case studies of orthodoxy, heterodoxy and alternative spirituality / Alexandra Cotofana, James M. Nyce (eds.) ; with a foreword by Anita Stasulane
Here are entered works on the major world religionsWorks on religious groups whose adherents recognize special teachings or practices which fall within the normative bounds of the major world religions are entered under SectsWorks on groups or movements whose system of religious beliefs or practices differs significantly from the major world religions and which are often gathered around a specific deity or person are entered under Cults --headings beginning with the word Religious
Religion -- Congrès. : Science of religion : studies in methodology : proceedings of the study conference of the International Association for the History of Religions, held in Turku, Finland, August 27-31, 1973 / edited by Lauri Honko