Religion Blacks Brazil : The African religions of Brazil : toward a sociology of the interpenetration of civilizations / Roger Bastide ; translated by Helen Sebba
Religion Borella, Jean : The secret of the Christian way : a contemplative ascent through the writings of Jean Borella / edited and translated by G. John Champoux
Religion Bosnie-Herzégovine : The development of spiritual life in Bosnia under the influence of Turkish rule / Ivo Andrić ; Želimir B. Juričić and John F. Loud, editors and translators
Religion Brazilians Japan : Jesus loves Japan : return migration and global pentecostalism in a Brazilian diaspora / Suma Ikeuchi
Religion Brecht, Bertolt, 1898-1956 : Brecht and the Bible A Study of Religious Nihilism and Human Weakness in Brecht's Drama of Morality and the City / by G. Ronald Murphy
Religion British America : Christian ritual and the creation of British slave societies, 1650-1780 / Nicholas M. Beasley
Religion British Columbia : Asian religions in British Columbia / edited by Larry DeVries, Don Baker, and Dan Overmyer
Religion Browne, Thomas, Sir, 1605-1682 : Ceremony and community from Herbert to Milton : literature, religion, and cultural conflict in seventeenth-century England / Achsah Guibbory
Religion Buchan, John, 1875-1940 : Presbyterian ethos and environment in the novels of John Buchan : a religious and historical study / by Edwin Roughton Lee