Referendum -- Australia -- 1967 : Referendums to be held on Saturday, 27th May, 1967 on the proposed laws for the alteration of the Constitution entitled Constitution Alteration (Parliament) 1967 and Constitution Alteration (Aboriginals) 1967 : the arguments for and against the proposed alterations together with a statement showing the proposed alterations
Referendum -- Australia -- History -- 1967 : The 1967 referendum, or, When Aborigines didn't get the vote / Bain Attwood and Andrew Markus ; in collaboration with Dale Edwards and Kath Schilling
[Referendum (Constitution Alteration) Act, 1906-1966] Australia : Referendums to be held on Saturday, 27th May, 1967 on the proposed laws for the alteration of the Constitution entitled Constitution Alteration (Parliament) 1967 and Constitution Alteration (Aboriginals) 1967 : the arguments for and against the proposed alterations together with a statement showing the proposed alterations
Referendum (Constitution Alteration) Act Australia : Referendums to be taken on the proposed laws, Constitution Alteration (Social services) 1946, Constitution Alteration (Organized marketing of primary products) 1946 [and] Constitution Alteration (Industrial employment) 1946 : the case for and against : Pamphlet containing arguments in favour of the proposed laws ... and arguments against the proposed laws / V.F. Turner, Chief Electoral Officer
Referendum -- Cyprus : Making peace with referendums : Cyprus and Northern Ireland / Joana Amaral
Référendum -- États-Unis. : Direct Democracy Or Representative Government? Dispelling The Populist Myth / John Haskell
Referendum -- Germany (West) : Der Popularvorbehalt : Direkte Demokratie in Deutschland. Vortrag gehalten vor der Berliner Juristischen Gesellschaft am 21. Januar 1981 / Christian Pestalozza