Rucker, Edmund Winchester, 1835-1924. : The meanest and 'damnest' job : the Civl War experiences and civilian history of Colonel Edmund Winchester Rucker / Michael P. Rucker
Rückerstattung : Holocaust restitution : perspectives on the litigation and its legacy / edited by Michael J. Bazyler and Roger P. Alford
Rücklage : Erschöpfbare Ressourcen : Verhandlungen auf der Arbeitstagung des Vereins für Sozialpolitik, Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften in Mannheim 1979 / hrsg. von Horst Siebert
Rückreise : The hero and the perennial journey home in American film / Susan Mackey-Kallis
Rucksackproblem : Metaheuristic search concepts : a tutorial with applications to production and logistics / Günther Zäpfel, Roland Braune, Michael Bögl
Rücküberweisungen. : Transnational labour migration, remittances and the changing family in Asia / edited by Lan Anh Hoang, Lecturer in Development Studies, University of Melbourne, Australia, and Brenda S.A. Yeoh, Professor of Geography, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Rückversicherung : The value of risk : Swiss Re and the history of reinsurance / Harold James (editor) ; Peter Borscheid, David Gugerli, Tobias Straumann