Publication and distribution Talmud History 18th century : Printing the Talmud : complete editions, tractates, and other works and the associated presses from the mid-17th century through the 18th century / by Marvin J. Heller
Publication and distribution Vedas : Kingdoms of memory, empires of ink : the Veda and the regional print cultures of colonial India / Cezary Galewicz
Publication Bias : Publication bias in meta-analysis : prevention, assessment and adjustments / edited by Hannah R. Rothstein, Alexander J. Sutton, Michael Borenstein
Here are entered works on the international exchange of publications between both governmental bodies and non-governmental, non-profit institutions of an educational, scientific and technical, or cultural nature
Under this heading, when subdivided by place and appropriate topical subdivision, are entered works which discuss the theories, methods, history, etc. of the discipline of bibliography practiced within a particular region or country, e.g. Bibliography--United States--History; Bibliography--United States--MethodologyWorks on the technique of compiling national bibliographies, i.e. lists of titles produced in one country, lists of titles produced in the language of one country without regard to place of publication, lists of titles produced by citizens of one country whether residing in that country or elsewhere, or lists of titles about one country, are entered under Bibliography, National with country subdivision, e.g. Bibliography, National--United StatesActual lists of titles published in a particular country are entered under the name of the country with subdivision Imprints, e.g. United States--ImprintsActual lists of titles published in the language of one country without regard to place of publication are entered under phrase headings of the type English imprintsActual lists of titles about a particular country are entered under the name of the country with subdivision Bibliography, e.g. United States--Bibliography --names of literatures, e.g. American literature; and subdivision Bibliography under names of persons, places and subjects; also subdivision Bibliography--Methodology under specific subjects, e.g. Medicine--Bibliography--Methodology; and subdivision Imprints under names of countries, states, cities, etc
Here are entered works on proposals submitted to editors which include outlines, tables of contents, and sample text. Works on inquiries from writers to editors regarding the acceptability of or interest in an idea for an article, story, etc. are entered under Queries (Authorship)
Publications électroniques -- Évaluation. : The economics of access versus ownership : the costs and benefits of access to scholarly articles via interlibrary loan and journal subscriptions / Bruce R. Kingma with Suzanne Irving
Publications en série -- Conservation et restauration -- Congrès. : Proceedings of the IFLA Symposium, Managing the Preservation of Periodicals and Newspapers : Bibliothèque nationale de France : Paris, 21-24 August 2000 / edited by Jennifer Budd = Actes du Symposium IFLA gérer la conservation des périodiques et de la presse / édité par Jennifer Budd
Publications éphémères -- Encyclopédies : Encyclopedia of Ephemera : a Guide to the Fragmentary Documents of Everyday Life for the Collector, Curator and Historian
Publications étrangères -- Catalogage -- Informatique -- Congrès. : Multi-script, multilingual, multi-character issues for the online environment : proceedings of a workshop sponsored by the IFLA Section on Cataloguing, Istanbul, Turkey, August 24, 1995 / edited by John D. Byrum, Jr. and Olivia Madison
Publicis Groupe. / : What could breaking up big tech mean for advertisers? / produced by Wall Street Journal
Publicistik -- historia. : The Punch brotherhood : table talk and print culture in Mid-Victorian London / Patrick Leary