Public libraries -- Use studies. : Tertiary students & library usage with particular emphasis on public libraries : a report of a 1986 Melbourne survey / by Kerry Grosser
Public libraries -- Victoria : Build, renovate or detonate : a seminar on the future of public library buildings, held at : Department of Infrastructure Theatrette, Melbourne, 15 May 2000 / [organised by VICLINK]
Public libraries -- Washington (State) -- Seattle : Take one building : interdisciplinary research perspectives of the Seattle Central Library / edited by Ruth Conroy Dalton and Christoph Hölscher
Public Library, Museum, and Art Gallery of South Australia -- Periodicals. / : Report of the Board of Governors of the Public Library, Museum, and Art Gallery of South Australia, with the reports of the standing committees, for .
Public Library, Museums, and National Gallery (Vic.). Gallery / : Masterpieces of the National Gallery of Victoria / edited by Ursula Hoff ; text by Ursula Hoff, Alan McCulloch [and] Joan Lindsay ; with an introduction by Daryl Lindsay
Public Library, Museums, and National Gallery (Vic.). National Gallery of Victoria -- See National Gallery of Victoria
Public Library, Museums, and National Gallery (Vic.). National Museum of Victoria -- See National Museum of Victoria
Public Library, Museums, and National Gallery (Vic.) -- Periodicals. / : Report of the Trustees of the Public Library, Museums and National Gallery of Victoria : with statements of income and expenditure
Public Library of New South Wales -- History. / : Historical notes : Public Library of New South Wales / by F.M. Bladen
Public Library of Victoria -- Exhibitions : The word in manuscript and print : a catalogue of biblical and related material arranged on the occasion of the Melbourne Catholic Diocesan Centenary in May of the year one thousand nine hundred and forty-eight / Public Library of Victoria, Melbourne
Here are entered works on city, town, borough, or village lighting. Works on the lighting of an individual city or town are entered under the heading Lighting with local subdivision
Here are entered works on business enterprises organized as legal entities having rights and liabilities distinct from those of the individuals who make up the enterprises and usually raising capital through the issuance of stocks and bonds
Here are entered works on the branch of political science that deals primarily with the structure and workings of agencies charged with the administration of governmental functions. This heading may be divided geographically for works on this science in a specific place. Works on the governmental machinery of a particular jurisdiction are entered under the name of the jurisdiction, with the subdivision Politics and government --subdivision Politics and government under names of countries, cities, etc