Here are entered works on the application by clergy in their pastoral work of modern psychology, psychiatry, and psychotherapy to the personal and spiritual problems of individuals
psychology Climacteric : Manual of management counseling for the perimenopausal and menopausal patient : a clinican's guide / Mary Jane Minkin, Karen L. Giblin
Psychology, Clinical -- economics : Business strategies for a caring profession : a practitioner's guidebook / Sharon L. Yenney, American Psychological Association Practice Directorate
Here are entered works on the application of psychological methods to the promotion and maintenance of mental and physical health and to the prevention and treatment of mental and physical disorders having psychological influences
psychology Clinical Trials as Topic : Negotiating pharmaceutical uncertainty : women's agency in a South African HIV prevention trial / Eirik Saethre and Jonathan Stadler
Psychology - Cognition - Memory. : Play in early childhood education : learning in diverse contexts / edited by Marjory Ebbeck and Manjula Waniganayake
Here are entered works on the general approach to psychology that emphasizes the role of internal, mental processes in behavior. Works on mental processes in general are entered under Cognition
Psychology College adminstrators : The things we carry : strategies for recognizing and negotiating emotional labor in writing program administration / edited by Courtney Adams Wooten, Jacob Babb, Kristi Murray Costello, and Kate Navickas