Psychoanalysis and psychotherapy : the controversies and the future / edited by Serge Frisch, senior editor, Robert D. Hinshelwood, Jean-Marie Gauthier ; foreword by Robert S. Wallerstein
London : Published by Karnac Books for the European Federation for Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy in the Public Health Services, 2001
ABOUT THE AUTHORS -- FOREWORD -- INTRODUCTION -- CHAPTER ONE: Psychoanalytic psychotherapy-legitimate or illegitimate offspring of psychoanalysis -- CHAPTER TWO: Psychoanalytic psychotherapy does not exist -- CHAPTER THREE: Dialectics of time in psychoanalysis and in psychoanalytic psychotherapy -- CHAPTER FOUR: Some reflections on once-a-week psychotherapy -- CHAPTER FIVE: On madness-a psychotherapeutic approach -- CHAPTER SIX: What future, what training (Thoughts on the training of psychotherapists)
CHAPTER SEVEN: Psychoanalytic psychotherapy and psychoanalysis: a choice in step with the times -- CHAPTER EIGHT: Off the radar screen -- CONCLUDING REFLECTIONS: Surveying the maze
In this, the sixth volume in the highly successful monograph series produced under the auspices of the European Federation for Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy in the Public Health Services (EFPP), the clear distinctions which once existed between psychoanalysis proper and the psychoanalytic psychotherapies are strongly debated and reassessed in the light of contemporary paradigm shifts in treatment modalities
Includes bibliographical references (pages 137-146) and index