Project management -- Developing countries -- Congresses : Successful execution of overseas projects : a conference / jointly organised by the Institution of Chemical Engineers, North Western Branch and the Institution of Civil Engineers, North Western Association held on May 24th and 25th, [1978], in Manchester at the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology
Project management -- Economic aspects : Project Profitability : Ensuring Improvement Projects Achieve Maximum Cash ROI / Dr. Reginald Tomas Lee [foreword by Ed Kless]
Project management -- Ecuador -- Case studies : Grupo Lindo Ecuador : air gas production project for Acería Ecuatoriana / María Elizabeth Arteaga (Facultad de Postgrado, Universidad de Especialidades Espiritu Santo, Samborondon, Ecuador)
Project management -- European Union countries : Public investment management in the new EU member states : strengthening planning and implementation of transport infrastructure investments / [editors], Thomas Laursen, Bernard Myers
Project management -- France : Réussir un grand projet de transformation : 20 bonnes pratiques pour changer l'entreprise : le projet OEEI du parc nucléaire d'EDF / David Autissier et Thierry Meslin ; préface de Dominique Minière et de Philippe Sasseigne