The role of obesity in cancer survival and recurrence : workshop summary / National Cancer Policy Forum, Board on Health Care Services, Margie Patlak and Sharyl J. Nass, Rapporteurs, Institute of Medicine of the National Academies
Washington, D.C. : National Academies Press, [2012]
Introduction -- Overview of the obesity-cancer link -- Molecular mechanisms -- Clinical evidence of the obesity link to cancer -- Clinical study design issues -- Potential treatments to counter effects of obesity -- Challenges in studying or inducing lifestyle changes in patients -- What to advise cancer patients -- Policy suggestions -- Wrapping up
".the National Cancer Policy Forum (NCPF) of the Institute of Medicine (IOM) held a 2-day workshop on "The Role of Obesity in Cancer Survival and Recurrence," in Washington, DC, on October 31 and November 1, 2011"--Pages2